The end of summer is a weird time of year for cooking. It’s still warm (and sometimes scorching hot!) outside during the day, but the nights start to get cooler. So while I’m still in that salad and fresh veggie mode, it’s when I start to think about warm spices and other fall dishes.

This recipe combines both seasons nicely, I think. It’s summer in that it’s loaded with berries, but they’re spiced with Ava Jane’s Kitchen Pumpkin Pie Spice, so it has those warm notes that make you think of fall. It helps that those spices also compliment both the fruit and the topping nicely as well.

You can use whatever berries you like here. I used a mixed berry blend of blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, but if you have fresh ones left those will work too.

When it’s done, you can serve warm with ice cream or eat it as is. Either way, it’s the best of both worlds all in a casserole dish.


Pumpkin Spiced Berry Crisp

Serves 6-8

Prep time: 1 hour




6 cups mixed berries of your choice (if frozen, thaw and drain)

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 cup flour

1 teaspoon Ava Jane’s Kitchen Pumpkin Pie Spice



1 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup flour

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup cold salted butter, cut into small cubes



Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Combine the berries, sugar, flour, and seasoning in a large bowl. Mix well and set aside while you make the topping.

To make the topping, put all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix well using either a pastry blender or your hands to cut the butter into the other ingredients until it’s coarse, with no pieces larger than a pea.

Put the berries in a square baking dish and sprinkle the topping over top.

Bake for 50-60 minutes, until top is browned and bubbly.

Cool slightly before serving.

Easy to download PDF: Pumpkin Spiced Berry Crisp