Salad dressing is the key to turning a salad into something you have to eat into something you want to eat. And not just want to, but can’t wait to. I’ve had my fair share of bottled salad dressings, and with very few exceptions, they’re just not good. I mean, sure, it’s easy to open a bottle and pour, but that’s where the good stops for me. I can’t tell you how many salad dressings I’ve bought over the years that sounded good, only to be too sweet, too bland, or too acidic. Then it sits in your fridge until you ultimately decide to throw it (and your money!) in the trash.

Here’s a thing I’ve learned over the years of cooking for myself — salad dressing is easy to make. Like seriously stupidly easy. And once you learn how to make one, making others is just swapping ingredients and flavors. And making your own has additional benefits in that you control what’s in it, so no more soybean oil or extra sugar, so it’s really much better for you. This is especially important if you’re trying to eat clean or follow a Paleo or keto diet.

This one has only a few ingredients but is so good you’ll want to drink it. It’s full of heart healthy fats, fresh herbs, and an amazing seasoning blend that I get from Ava Jane’s Kitchen. It’s tart and spicy and creamy, and perfect for whatever salad you want to pour it on. And it’s as easy as putting everything into a blender and turning it on.


Spicy Avocado Dressing

Makes about 3/4 cup

Prep time: 5 minutes



1/2 avocado

Juice of 2 limes

1 bunch cilantro

1 teaspoon Sweet Habanero Seasoning

1/2 cup Ava Jane’s Kitchen Avocado Oil

1 clove garlic



Put all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Add water to thin out, a little at time until you’ve reached the desired consistency. Toss with your favorite salad ingredients before serving.