Green Goddess Dip

Green Goddess Dip

Now is the time of year when parties are happening, and at every party someone brings a veggie tray. I have nothing against veggie tray. I mean, I get it. You want to have at least one healthy option for those that someone manage to limit indulgences this time of...
Freezer Bread Oil

Freezer Bread Oil

  Completely unsurprising to anyone that knows me — I love dipping bread in seasoned oil. If you’ve been to my house for drinks or snacks, you’ve likely had something similar at some point. Recently I had the idea to prepare in advance and make pre made portions...

Avocado Oil Salsa Di Parm 

If you’re looking for an appetizer to serve at a party, or something to add to your holiday spread, this is it. Seriously. If you’re asking yourself what the heck “Salsa Di Parm” is, the easiest way to describe it (and I guess translate) is as a salsa, but made of...

Hot Roasted Garlic Pickle Chips

    Do you ever have something in a restaurant and wish you could eat it at home? That’s me all the time. Many of the recipes I create start from some restaurant inspiration. My most recent was some pickle chips at a favorite local restaurant. They were...

Blackened Chicken Wings

  If you like chicken wings, you likely have a favorite wing joint, and they make the crispiest/spiciest/most flavorful wings in town, right? Of course, wings are one of those things that best eaten immediately after you make them, which means takeout it not...