Curried Fish Stew

Curried Fish Stew

Curry is one of my favorite flavors, especially when paired with coconut milk. It’s sweet and spicy and creamy, and perfect for a cold day. I make a lot of different curries in the fall and winter, using different proteins and seasonings, but the Curry spice blend I...
Buffalo Salmon Tacos

Buffalo Salmon Tacos

Tacos are one my favorite foods, for a lot of reasons, but mostly because they can literally be whatever you want. This makes it an easy thing to throw together on the fly, and you end up with recipes like this one, which now happens to be a favorite. There are a few...

Lemon Tilapia Asparagus Parchment Packs

Sometimes the best recipes are the ones that are the easiest. Like this one. It’s just a few ingredients, but it comes together fast, and with easy cleanup. In addition to being easy, it’s nutritious, and perfect for most diets, be that low calorie or Paleo. What...
Lemon Almond Salmon Filets

Lemon Almond Salmon Filets

I enjoy going to restaurants, but I often find myself thinking that I could have made something better at home, especially when it comes to dishes like this salmon filet. It’s so simple, and includes only a few ingredients, but in a restaurant, it’s easy to spend...
Beer Battered Fish in Avocado Oil

Beer Battered Fish in Avocado Oil

I recently traveled to the UK, where fish and chips is everywhere, from tiny corner fast food like shops to fancy restaurants. If you head into a restaurant or pub, it’s almost guaranteed to be on the menu. When I got back, even though I’d eaten fish and chips half a...