Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs

Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs

  There are a lot of ways to make meatballs, and everyone has their favorite recipe. Mine is a combination of ground beef and pork, with a bit of grated Parmesan, lots of seasonings, and cubes of mozzarella stuffed in the middle. In my opinion, melted cheese is a...
Chicken and Bacon Pasta Salad

Chicken and Bacon Pasta Salad

In my family, there have been major fights started over pasta salad. It’s one food that everyone has an opinion on, and you can’t really make everyone happy. Whether it’s the type of pasta, the dressing, or other additions, there’s always something not to like. My...
Quick and Easy Breakfast Sausages

Quick and Easy Breakfast Sausages

  A good friend of mine recently started a Paleo diet, but she’s not the most patient person when it comes to cooking. One thing she wanted to try was homemade sausages because a lot of prepared sausages are not exactly Paleo-friendly. This was the perfect...
Freezer Bread Oil

Freezer Bread Oil

  Completely unsurprising to anyone that knows me — I love dipping bread in seasoned oil. If you’ve been to my house for drinks or snacks, you’ve likely had something similar at some point. Recently I had the idea to prepare in advance and make pre made portions...
Ava Jane’s Antipasto Salad

Ava Jane’s Antipasto Salad

I’ve been trying to meal plan more lately, which means more meal prep. I’ve found that I eat much better when everything is planned out, especially when I’m super busy with other things. For meal prep, I like things that are versatile, and can go with more than one...