Veggie noodles have been a thing for a bit now, but if you’ve not gotten on board because you aren’t sure it’s a good substitute for pasta, you should rethink your stance.

Veggie noodles are exactly what they sound like, noodles made from vegetables. And not the colored kind that come in a box and has traces of spinach or bell pepper in it. These are noodles made using all kinds of fresh, whole veggies: zucchini, carrots, beets, and more.

Do they taste like noodles? Ah, kind of, but it depends on which ones and how you’re serving them. Zucchini that is spiraled into spaghettini noodles and covered in marinara with meatballs taste surprisingly like pasta, while beet noodles made into a salad are going to taste like beets.

They are great for those trying to eat low-carb, those wanting to eat more veggies, or even just people that are looking for a new way to eat healthily. You can buy them pre-cut, but they are easy to make at home with tools you might already have.

A spiral slicer is a gadget that easily turns veggies into noodles of all shapes. Good to have but not entirely necessary especially if you aren’t sure you’ll love it.

A vegetable peeler is inexpensive and does a pretty stellar job: julienne for spaghetti noodles and a wide flat peeler for wide noodles. Just run the peeler down your vegetable to make noodles. It takes minutes, is easy to clean up, and takes up zero storage.

To get the best texture, a sprinkling of sea salt, such as Colima Sea Salt will help draw out the water of your noodles to avoid mushiness. From there, you can either saute or eat raw.

If you’re interested in trying your hand at making your own veggie noodle dish, there are plenty of recipes right here on this very blog.