Spicy Curry Besan Pancakes with Coconut Cream

Spicy Curry Besan Pancakes with Coconut Cream

They’re hearty like a plate of pancakes, yet as exotic as a fragrant curry. These pancakes take the savory route when it comes to flavor, bursting with spice, all kinds of veggies, and even a dash of flaxseed and coconut cream. Made with besan, or chickpea flour,...
Curried Fish Stew

Curried Fish Stew

Curry is one of my favorite flavors, especially when paired with coconut milk. It’s sweet and spicy and creamy, and perfect for a cold day. I make a lot of different curries in the fall and winter, using different proteins and seasonings, but the Curry spice blend I...

Curried Coconut Banana Ice Cream

I experiment a lot in the kitchen, and this means adding ingredients that you wouldn’t think would work, like curry powder in ice cream. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of these are failures, but every once in a while, one stands out, like this one. This isn’t your typical...
Spring Veggie Curry Chicken Stew

Spring Veggie Curry Chicken Stew

Spring is a weird time of year around here. You get a few really nice, sunny days interspersed with some bitterly cold days, thrown in with some rain. Lots of rain. In the meantime, veggies start popping up more and more, which makes you want to eat fresh salads and...
Cold Curried Chicken Salad

Cold Curried Chicken Salad

Everywhere around me, people talk about giving up carbs. Eat Paleo! Keto’s the best! Everything is low-carb, low-carb, low-carb. Look, I’m not against low-carbs. I’ve had some delicious meals that were lower in carbs. In truth, if all it took was giving up pasta and...