Pumpkin Pie Milkshake

After the holidays, there are always recipes for ways to use up leftovers. Like how to use up leftover mashed potatoes or different things you can add turkey to in order to not get bored. You never see recipes that use the leftover pumpkin pie, because, well, why not...
Maple Coconut Cream with Salted Cinnamon Banana

Maple Coconut Cream with Salted Cinnamon Banana

  Have you ever been craving a rich, luxurious dessert … yet don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen, or indulge in something not-so-healthy you’ll end up regretting by bedtime?   Well, if you have 15 minutes to spare – we have great news. This...
Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Mousse

Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Mousse

I rarely order dessert in a restaurant, but when I do, it’s almost always the chocolate option. I usually eat some kind of chocolate every day, even if it’s just a tiny piece of a dark chocolate bar, and if you look through my kitchen, you’ll find all kinds of...

Curried Coconut Banana Ice Cream

I experiment a lot in the kitchen, and this means adding ingredients that you wouldn’t think would work, like curry powder in ice cream. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of these are failures, but every once in a while, one stands out, like this one. This isn’t your typical...
Salted Brownie Bites

Salted Brownie Bites

I try to eat healthy. Lots of salads and veggies in general. Most of my days start with fruit of some sort, maybe oatmeal or yogurt. But sometimes I want something sweet and chocolaty. Not a lot, like a giant piece of chocolate cake (okay, sometimes a giant piece of...