Savory Veggie Pancakes

Savory Veggie Pancakes

Sometimes, veggies need a little “pick me up.” Here, we’re combining several servings of vegetables into rich, savory pancakes that will make you forget you’re even eating veggies. Serve these as a main, or even as an appetizer at your next gathering. P.S.: The kids...

Everything Kale Chips

The end of the year is when I start thinking about healthy recipes, because I know that after the holidays, I need to be prepared to get back to a healthy eating plan, and if I don’t have any ideas, I will just resume eating leftover cookies, and other odds and ends I...
Easiest Cucumber Salad

Easiest Cucumber Salad

A new restaurant opened near me not too long ago with an interesting concept. It’s solely focused on vegetables, but in an upscale way. They had a menu full of things like tomato tartar, cauliflower mac n cheese, and salads that make your mouth water. We tried a few...
Everyday Blend Whole Roasted Chicken

Everyday Blend Whole Roasted Chicken

***Recipe courtesy of our awesome friends at PaleoHacks*** Buttery, succulent whole chicken is seasoned with an herb blend and roasted over hearty root vegetables for an easy aromatic dinner! Roasting a whole chicken might sound intimidating, but it’s one of the...
Buttermilk Scallion Pancakes

Buttermilk Scallion Pancakes

A neighbor of mine recently gave me a bunch of green onions. And by bunch, I don’t mean a few stalks banded together. I mean, a bunch. So many that I have been struggling to use them all. I mean, yes, you can add them to just about anything, but a little goes a long...