Buffalo Steak and Cauliflower

Buffalo Steak and Cauliflower

  I’ve never been a huge cauliflower fan, but you can coat almost anything in buffalo sauce and I will eat it. This is one of those things that has been popping up on restaurant menus everywhere lately, usually as an appetizer. In this case, it’s a perfect side...
Chicken Enchilada Soup

Chicken Enchilada Soup

We’re nearing the end of winter here, but I’m still making soup. I especially love soup that has a little bit of heat to it, which makes this enchilada soup perfect. Now this is not the same as enchiladas. There are no corn tortillas, but it has a lot of the same...
BBQ Polenta with Thyme Roasted Mushrooms

BBQ Polenta with Thyme Roasted Mushrooms

  If you haven’t tried polenta, it’s safe to say you may be missing out on a savory version of oatmeal (and we all know how cozy and delicious a hot bowl of oatmeal can be!). Here polenta, or corn grits as it’s sometimes referred to, is jazzed up with wild...
Sheet Pan Los Muertos Nachos

Sheet Pan Los Muertos Nachos

If you look at a restaurant menu, you’ll usually find nachos on the appetizers section. For me, it’s enough for a meal, and I have eaten many platters of nachos for dinner. The problem with most nachos is that you get a towering plate of nachos that, while delicious,...
Steak and Sweet Potato Bowl

Steak and Sweet Potato Bowl

It’s been awhile since I’ve been to a steakhouse, but one of my favorite meals was always a nice juicy steak with a baked sweet potato on the side. Something about the combo of rich and savory beef with the tender sweet potato is just sublime. This recipe is a riff on...