Sayulita Beans and Rice

Sayulita Beans and Rice

  Beans and rice is one of my favorite meals. It’s filling, comforting, and nutritious. Because both beans and rice are versatile ingredients, it’s also a meal that you can make differently almost every time you make it.   Like this recipe. It has ground...
Turkey and Sweet Potato Breakfast Skillet

Turkey and Sweet Potato Breakfast Skillet

I don’t usually eat right when I get up, unless I know I’m going to have a long day ahead. I usually find that when eating first thing in the morning, I’m hungrier, unless I eat a lot of protein. That’s how this recipe came to be. It’s full of protein, with some...
Roadside Turkey and Wild Rice Soup

Roadside Turkey and Wild Rice Soup

Soup is such a magical food. You can put literally anything in it, and it makes an easy, almost effortless meal. Especially in the winter when what you want is a comforting bowl of food that in the words of my grandma “sticks to your ribs.” This soup does just that,...
Turkey Butternut Squash Chili

Turkey Butternut Squash Chili

If there is a better cold weather food than chili, I certainly don’t know what it is. Hearty meat and beans simmered with rich spices and chunky vegetables? That is comfort food at its best. There are a million versions of chili out there, and while a good classic...
Citrus Spiced Turkey

Citrus Spiced Turkey

Turkey season is upon us, and we want to let you know that roasting the perfect bird – with crisp, caramelized skin and juicy, succulent meat – is less complicated than it looks! Here, we use our Citrus Salt and Pepper spice blend to spice up the...