BBQ Polenta with Thyme Roasted Mushrooms

BBQ Polenta with Thyme Roasted Mushrooms

  If you haven’t tried polenta, it’s safe to say you may be missing out on a savory version of oatmeal (and we all know how cozy and delicious a hot bowl of oatmeal can be!). Here polenta, or corn grits as it’s sometimes referred to, is jazzed up with wild...
Los Muertos Yogurt Roasted Squash

Los Muertos Yogurt Roasted Squash

Fall is my favorite time of the year, for many reasons, one of which is food. One of my favorite fall foods is winter squash, because while you can buy almost anything year round these days, winter squash only show up right about now. So the minute I see them in the...
Pumpkin Spice Roasted Fall Vegetables

Pumpkin Spice Roasted Fall Vegetables

It’s that time of year. When summer produce starts to become scarce, and things like pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin doughnuts and pies start to show up. Even though pumpkin is technically a vegetable, you wouldn’t know it if you went by the seasonal recipes that start...
Ava’s Favorite Cheese Tortellini Skillet

Ava’s Favorite Cheese Tortellini Skillet

Getting dinner on the table can be a chore sometimes, especially if you’re trying to feed multiple people and everyone wants something different. One thing I’ve learned is that a big cheesy pasta dish is pretty much a win for everyone. But sometimes even that’s a...
Patatas Au Vin

Patatas Au Vin

We’re doing a little spin this week on a French classic: a plant-based version of coq au vin, a traditional chicken in wine dish. Instead of chicken, we’ve subbed fingerling potatoes (or “patatas”) and a plethora of veggies and herbs, from soft carrots to mushrooms...